Hi list, I'm proposing Tuesday 21st February at 18:00, i.e 2 weeks from now for the 4th Bitcoin contracting primitives WG meeting (the third Tuesday of February month, as done previously). As mentioned during the previous session, there is an issue if anyone would like to propose an agenda topic in advance in an open fashion: https://github.com/ariard/bitcoin-contracting-primitives-wg/issues/34 I would like to propose 2 topics for this upcoming meeting. Firstly, ANYPREVOUT / "Eltoo", there has been a work in progress during the last year for eltoo lightning channels [0]. I think there are still few high-level open questions around fee-bumping and watchtowers, how the proposal would benefit other off-chain constructions, how the proposal works compared to other update mechanisms and a bunch of other things. Secondly, if there is sufficient interest, setting up an open meatspace event during S2 2023 or S1 2024. Meatspace events can be a great thing to accelerate the development pace of contracting protocols. From my experience in-person whiteboard sessions are highly valuable to sync on complex subjects and it has been already evoked in the context of this community process. Ideally, the event would piggyback on some existing bitcoin conference. And I would see this as complementary to the other bitcoin engineering meetings we've already scheduled, just open contracting primitives R&D to a large set of people beyond the usual crowd contributing already to Bitcoin Core [1]. If we have time remaining, we could listen to everyone blockers in their contracting primitives/covenant research. Communication venue is #bitcoin-contracting-primitives-wg on Libera Chat IRC. Logs of the previous session are available here [2]. If you have any questions or feedback, I'm staying responsive. Cheers, Antoine [0] https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2022-December/003788.html [1] In term of janitorial role decentralization, I think it would be valuable to have the event organization carried on by someone else reliable other than myself. Contributed to CoreDev Zurich 2021 organisation, so I can share the operational practices. [2] https://github.com/ariard/bitcoin-contracting-primitives-wg/blob/main/meetings/meetings-17-01.md