Hi, A short reminder about the 1st transaction relay workshop happening tomorrow on #l2-onchain-support Libera chat (!), Tuesday 15th June, from 19:00 UTC to 20:30 UTC Scheduled topics are: * "Guidelines about L2 protocols onchain security design" * "Coordinated cross-layers security disclosures" * "Full-RBF proposal" Find notes and open questions for the two first topics here: * https://github.com/ariard/L2-zoology/blob/master/workshops/guidelines.md * https://github.com/ariard/L2-zoology/blob/master/workshops/coordinated.md Going to send the "Move toward full-rbf" proposal soon, deserves its own thread. Workshops will stick to a socratic format to foster as much knowledge sharing among attendees and ideally we'll reach rough consensus about expected goals. If you're a second-layer protocol designer, a Lightning dev, a Bitcoin Core dev contributing around mempool/p2p areas, or a Bitcoin service operator with intense usage of the mempool, I hope you'll find those workshops of interest and you'll learn a lot :) Again it's happening on Libera, not Freenode, contrary to the former mail about agenda & schedule. Cheers, Antoine