> BIP8 doesn't have mandatory signaling during the lockin period, it has
semi-mandatory [0] signalling during the must_signal period.

Thanks for the clarification.

> Semi-mandatory in that only "threshold" blocks must signal, so if
    only 4% or 9% of miners aren't signalling and the threshold is set
    at 95% or 90%, no blocks will be orphaned.

How do nodes decide on which blocks are orphaned if only some of them have to signal, and others don't? Is it just any block that would cause the whole threshold period to fail?


On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 11:00 AM Anthony Towns <aj@erisian.com.au> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 10:11:45AM -0600, Keagan McClelland via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> > Under *any* other circumstance, when they're used to activate a bad soft
> > fork, speedy trial and bip8 are the same. If a resistance method works
> > against bip8, it works against speedy trial; if it fails against speedy
> > trial, it fails against bip8.
> IIRC one essential difference between ST (which is a variant of BIP9) and
> BIP8 is that since there is no mandatory signaling during the lockin
> period,

BIP8 doesn't have mandatory signaling during the lockin period, it has
semi-mandatory [0] signalling during the must_signal period.

> you can't do a counter soft fork as easily.

The "counter" for bip8 activation is to reject any block during either
the started or must_signal phases that would meet the threshold. In that
case someone running bip8 might see blocks:

  [elapsed=2010, count=1813, signal=yes]
  [elapsed=2011, count=1813, signal=no]
  [elapsed=2012, count=1814, signal=yes]
  [elapsed=2013, count=1815, signal=yes, will-lockin!]
  [elapsed=2014, count=1816, signal=yes]
  [elapsed=2015, count=1816, signal=no]
  [elapsed=2016, count=1816, signal=no]
  [locked in!]

But running software to reject the soft fork, you would reject the
elapsed=2013 block, and any blocks that build on it. You would wait for
someone else to mine a chain that looked like:

  [elapsed=2013, count=1814, signal=no]
  [elapsed=2014, count=1814, signal=no]
  [elapsed=2015, count=1814, signal=no]
  [elapsed=2016, count=1814, signal=no]

That approach works *exactly* the same with speedy trial.

Jeremy's written code that does exactly this using the getdeploymentinfo
rpc to check the deployment status, and the invalidateblock rpc to
reject a block. See: https://github.com/JeremyRubin/forkd

The difference to bip8 with lot=true is that nodes running speedy trial
will reorg to follow the resisting chain if it has the most work. bip8
with lot=true nodes will not reorg to a failing chain, potentially
creating an ongoing chain split, unless one group or the other gives up,
and changes their software.


[0] Semi-mandatory in that only "threshold" blocks must signal, so if
    only 4% or 9% of miners aren't signalling and the threshold is set
    at 95% or 90%, no blocks will be orphaned.