After spending some more time on the normalized transaction ID proposal and reworking it to be a soft-fork (thanks sipa for helping me figuring out how), I'd like to propose the BIP again.

As with the previous version, which was using a hard-fork, the normalized transaction ID is computed only considering the non-malleable parts of a transaction, i.e., stripping the signatures before computing the hash of the transaction. This ensures that if a transaction is modified, either by a third party fishing transactions from the network and re-injecting modified versions or by one of the signers re-signing it, any transaction that builds on top of it still remains valid. Furthermore it allows the use of template transactions, unsigned transactions upon which further transaction can be built before signing the template transaction and locking the contract.

Unlike the previous proposal, this is a softfork proposal that redefines OP_NOP4 with an extensible and parameterized version of the signature checking opcodes, called OP_CHECKSIGEX. Among other things the parameters allow to specify that an output with an OP_CHECKSIGEX is to be referenced by the normalized transaction ID that created it, instead of the instance transaction ID containing malleable signatures. This BIP uses the normalized transaction IDs exclusively while signing or checking signatures, they are not used in any network level message as the previous version would have done, hence there is no change at network level and old clients should be able to exchange transactions as before and blocks still reference the transaction instances.

The proposal is implemented (see below), by computing the normalized transaction ID when adding them to the UTXO and storing them along with the coin state. OP_CHECKSIGEX mostly duplicates OP_CHECKSIG and OP_CHECKMULTISIG, but I'm hoping somebody can give me some pointers into how to best refactor the common functionality into reusable blocks. And the annotating incoming transactions with their normalized inputs is a bit cumbersome, maye somebody has some pointers here as well?

BIP Pull request:

I think in the discussion of my previous proposal, most of you welcomed the introduction of normalized transaction IDs, were it not for the hardfork. I hope this proposal adresses the previous concerns and that we can move forward in adding the normalized transaction IDs to the bitcoin protocol. That being said, I'm always open to suggestions :-)
