Dear Sir,
Regarding your message
Specifically the part
"Right now, lightning anchor outputs use a 330 sats amount. Each commitment
transaction has two such outputs, and only one of them is spent"
I was wondering is there a way to distinguish those 2 dust UTXOs?
I mean does(or could) the protocol force the user to always spend the first not any of them at random?
-My point is to distinguish between them when inserted in the UTXO set to know in advance which will be spent so fast in the next transaction, and which is gonna stay there for a while?

-If you look at the number of addresses holding ≤1$ here (by subtracting total from >1$), you would find it doesn't change very much with days
-Meaning not that just official dust value, but values ≤1$ are rarely spent unless one forced to. I always had the idea of storing them separately 
(along with non-standard & burned ones at least from public addresses, these should be separated too as they're not expected be spent ever)
So the answer may make a difference,
Thank you
Shymaa M Arafat