Some quick comments:


To sign:
Can we avoid mutable variables in these specification?  I know this is commonly done in RFCs, but I think it is fairly confusing to have `k` defined in two different ways within a single specification.
Let's let k' = k when jacobi(y(R)) = 1 and let k' = n - k when jacobi(y(R)) = -1.  Note that this ensures that jacobi(y(k'G)) = 1.

Also you've sort of left it undefined what to do when k = 0.  According to the current specification, you will produce an invalid signature.  The expected result is that you should win a 1000 BTC prize.

One solution is to let k = 1 + int(hash(bytes(d) || m)) mod (n-1).  Alternatively you could let k' = 1 when k = 0.  Or you could just make a note that signature generation fails with this message and private key pair when this happens.

Let e = int(hash(bytes(x(R)) || bytes(dG) || m)) mod n.

P = dG should probably be noted somewhere in the text.  I.e. this signature is generated for the public key P = dG.

If the inputs to hash were reordered as hash(bytes(dG) || bytes(x(R)) || m) then there is an opportunity for SHA256 expander to be partially prefilled for a fixed public key.  This could provide a little benefit, especially when multiple signatures for a single public key need to be generated and/or verified.  If all things are otherwise equal, perhaps this alternate order is better.

 The signature is bytes(x(R)) || bytes(k + ex mod n).

You haven't defined `x`.  I'm guessing you mean `d` instead.


Jacobian coordinates

  • oncurve(P) can be implemented as y2 = x3 + 7z6 mod p.
oncurve(P) requires that `P` be on the curve and not infinity.  You need another condition here to ensure that `P` is not infinity.

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 2:08 PM, Pieter Wuille via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Here is a proposed BIP for 64-byte elliptic curve Schnorr signatures,
over the same curve as is currently used in ECDSA:

It is simply a draft specification of the signature scheme itself. It
does not concern consensus rules, aggregation, or any other
integration into Bitcoin - those things are left for other proposals,
which can refer to this scheme if desirable. Standardizing the
signature scheme is a first step towards that, and as it may be useful
in other contexts to have a common Schnorr scheme available, it is its
own informational BIP.

If accepted, we'll work on more production-ready reference
implementations and tests.

This is joint work with several people listed in the document.


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