On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 10:45 PM Rusty Russell <rusty@rustcorp.com.au> wrote:
Jeremy Rubin <jeremy.l.rubin@gmail.com> writes:
> Hi Rusty,
> Please see my post in the other email thread
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2022-February/019886.html
> The differences in this regard are several, and worth understanding beyond
> "you can iterate CTV". I'd note a few clear examples for showing that "CTV
> is just as powerful" is not a valid claim:
> 1) CTV requires the contract to be fully enumerated and is non-recursive.
> For example, a simple contract that allows n participants to take an action
> in any order requires factorially many pre-computations, not just linear or
> constant. For reference, 24! is about 2**80. Whereas for a more
> interpretive covenant -- which is often introduced with the features for
> recursion -- you can compute the programs for these addresses in constant
> time.
> 2) CTV requires the contract to be fully enumerated: For example, a simple
> contract one could write is "Output 0 script matches Output 1", and the set
> of outcomes is again unbounded a-priori. With CTV you need to know the set
> of pairs you'd like to be able to expand to a-priori
> 3) Combining 1 and 2, you could imagine recursing on an open-ended thing
> like creating many identical outputs over time but not constraining what
> those outputs are. E.g., Output 0 matches Input 0, Output 1 matches Output
> 2.

Oh agreed.  It was distinction of "recursive" vs "not recursive" which
was less useful in this context.

"limited to complete enumeration" is the more useful distinction: it's a
bright line between CTV and TXHASH IMHO.

If TXHASH is limited to requiring the flags be included in the hash (as is done with sighash) I believe TXHASH has the same "up front" nature that CTV has.