Bear in mind that when people are talking about enabling covenants, we are talking about whether OP_CAT should be allowed or not. That said, recursive covenants, the type that are most worrying, seems to require some kind of OP_TWEAK operation, and I haven't yet seen any evidence that this can be simulated with CHECKSIG(FROMSTACK). So maybe we should leave such worries for the OP_TWEAK operation. On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 8:51 PM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <> wrote: > Good morning Dave, > > > On Sun, Jul 04, 2021 at 11:39:44AM -0700, Jeremy wrote: > > > > > However, I think the broader community is unconvinced by the cost > benefit > > > of arbitrary covenants. See > > > > > > > as a recent example. Therefore as a critical part of building > consensus on > > > various techniques I've worked to emphasize that specific additions do > not > > > entail risk of accidentally introducing more than was bargained for to > > > respect the concerns of others. > > > > Respecting the concerns of others doesn't require lobotomizing useful > > tools. Being respectful can also be accomplished by politely showing > > that their concerns are unfounded (or at least less severe than they > > thought). This is almost always the better course IMO---it takes much > > more effort to satisfy additional engineering constraints (and prove to > > reviewers that you've done so!) than it does to simply discuss those > > concerns with reasonable stakeholders. As a demonstration, let's look > > at the concerns from Shinobi's post linked above: > > > > They seem to be worried that some Bitcoin users will choose to accept > > coins that can't subsequently be fungibily mixed with other bitcoins. > > But that's already been the case for a decade: users can accept altcoins > > that are non-fungible with bitcoins. > > > > They talk about covenants where spending is controlled by governments, > > but that seems to me exactly like China's CBDC trial. > > > > They talk about exchanges depositing users' BTC into a covenant, but > > that's just a variation on the classic not-your-keys-not-your-bitcoins > > problem. For all you know, your local exchange is keeping most of its > > BTC balance commitments in ETH or USDT. > > > > To me, it seems like the worst-case problems Shinobi describes with > > covenants are some of the same problems that already exist with > > altcoins. I don't see how recursive covenants could make any of those > > problems worse, and so I don't see any point in limiting Bitcoin's > > flexibility to avoid those problems when there are so many interesting > > and useful things that unlimited covenants could do. > > The "altcoins are even worse" argument does seem quite convincing, and if > Bitcoin can survive altcoins, surely it can survive covenants too? > > In before "turns out covenants are the next ICO". > i.e. ICOs are just colored coins, which are useful for keeping track of > various stuff, but have then been used as a vehicle to scam people. > But I suppose that is a problem that humans will always have: limited > cognition, so that *good* popular things that are outside your specific > field of study are indistinguishable from *bad* popular things. > So perhaps it should not be a concern on a technical level. > Maybe we should instead make articles about covenants so boring nobody > will hype about it (^^;)v. > > Increased functionality implies increased processing, and hopefully > computation devices are getting cheap enough that the increased processing > implied by new features should not be too onerous. > > > > To my mind, an "inescapable" covenant (i.e. one that requires the output > to be paid to the same covenant) is basically a Turing machine, and > equivalent to a `while (true);` loop. > In a `while (true);` loop, the state of the machine reverts back to the > same state, and it repeats again. > In an inescpable covenant, the control of some amount of funds reverts > back to the same controlling SCRIPT, and it repeats again. > Yes, you can certainly add more functionality on top of that loop, just > think of program main loops for games or daemons, which are, in essence, > "just" `while (true) ...`. > But basically, such unbounded infinite loops are possible only under > Turing machines, thus I consider covenants to be Turing-complete. > Principle of Least Power should make us wonder if we need full Turing > machines for the functionality. > > On the other hand --- codata processing *does* allow for unbounded loops, > without requiring full Turing-completeness; they just require total > functionality, not partial (and Turing-completeness is partial, not total). > Basically, data structures are unbounded storage, while codata structures > are unbounded processing. > Perhaps covenants can encode an upper bound on the number of recursions, > which prevents full Turing-completeness while allowing for a large number > of use-cases. > > (if the above paragraph makes no sense to you, hopefully this Wikipedia > article will help: > ) > (basically my argument here is based on academic programming stuff, and > might not actually matter in real life) > > Regards, > ZmnSCPxj > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > >