>> 2. (from Suhas) "once a valid transaction is created, it should not become invalid later on unless the inputs are double-spent."
> This doesn't seem like a huge concern to me 

I agree that this shouldn't be a concern. In fact, I've asked numerous people in numerous places what practical downside there is to transactions that become invalid, and I've heard basically radio silence other than one off hand remark by satoshi at the dawn of time which didn't seem to me to have good reasoning. I haven't seen any downside whatsoever of transactions that can become invalid for anyone waiting the standard 6 confirmations - the reorg risks only exists for people not waiting for standard finalization. So I don't think we should consider that aspect of a sponsorship transaction that can only be mined with the transaction it sponsors to be a problem unless a specific practical problem case can be identified. Even if a significant such case was identified, an easy solution would be to simply allow sponsorship transactions to be mined on or after the sponsored transaction is mined.

The downside is that in a 6 block reorg any transaction that is moved past its expiration date becomes invalid and all its descendants become invalid too.

The current consensus threshold for transactions to become invalid is a 100 block reorg, and I see no reason to change this threshold.  I promise to personally build a wallet that always creates transactions on the verge of becoming invalid should anyone ever implement a feature that violates this tx validity principle.