Hi Dave, I apologize for the confusion and the inconsistent use of plurals. The reason I called it a "complete proposal" is that the opcode is now functionally complete, unlike the previous attempt where the approach for the output amount introspection was not yet specified. The semantics are informally defined in the previous e-mail, and implemented in the code [1], which is the only formal specification at this time. I believe the code is now fairly stable and ready to experiment with. My own and (hopefully) others' experimentation will help in writing a more informed BIP proposal in the next few months. About the plurals: OP_CHECKCONTRACTVERIFY is indeed now a single opcode that is useful on its own, but I will also be maintaining a separate branch [2] that contains both OP_CHECKCONTRACTVERIFY and OP_CAT, which enables the full generality of the MATT proposal. Best, Salvatore [1] - https://github.com/bitcoin-inquisition/bitcoin/compare/24.0...Merkleize:bitcoin:checkcontractverify [2] - https://github.com/Merkleize/bitcoin/tree/matt