Hi all,

I apologize for a couple of oversights in my last e-mail.

The first is that m_B can't be committed as-is in the contract's
embedded data, with the current semantics of OP_COCV, which
only allows 32-byte values. A solution could be to store its
hash SHA256(m_B), instead.

(I didn't test the Scripts, so there could be other bugs − hopefully the
general idea is clear, anyway)

On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 15:11, Salvatore Ingala <salvatore.ingala@gmail.com> wrote:
If the internal_pubkey is a musig-aggregated key of Alice and Bob,
the game can be settled entirely offline after the first transaction.
Simply, Bob communicates his move to Alice, Alice reveals her move to
Bob, and they can settle the bet. The game would be played without
any script being executed, therefore all transactions could look like
any other P2TR, with the only possible fingerprinting being due to the
input amounts.

This is incomplete: Alice can't trust Bob by revealing her move, as
he could then cheat on-chain and play a different move.

The fix should be straightforward, after adding the requirement that the
internal pubkey of [S1] is a musig2 of both players.
After Bob reveals his move (say, Rock), Alice will only agree to continue
the game off-chain if Bob pre-signs transactions for the state [S1] (where
m_B = Paper, and m_B = Scissors) that send all the money to Alice.
This guarantees that a cheating Bob is punished.

Salvatore Ingala