On 19 November 2013 16:32, Wladimir wrote: > > On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Jeff Garzik wrote: > >> BIP drafts are stored in git://github.com/bitcoin/bips.git/drafts/ and >> are not automatically assigned a BIPS number. >> > > Are we going to move ahead with this? > > If so, I'm volunteering to create the repository and import the current > BIPs from the wiki there (and convert from wiki markup to markdown where > necessary). > > 2) Time passes. Software for BIP drafts is developed, tested, >> published, and publicly discussed in a typical open source manner. >> > > Personally I think it is useful to have a number as soon as a BIP can be > implemented, even if still in draft status; it gives something to refer to > when mentioning a certain improvement proposal (in commit messages and such > it could be called BIP xxx Draft). > I don't think we are at risk of running out of numbers to assign any time > soon. > It's quite normal for standards bodies to allocate numbers when in draft status. If they don't pass, they don't pass - they are clearly labelled DRAFTs. +1 on having things in a github repository. Much better for collaboration, Drak