I am sure the failure here is probably more mundane like a a service not restarted, or not on auto restart when server is rebooted and such like. The dns seeder works pretty efficiently in my experience. Maybe we need more seeders and to include the ability for zone transfers so existing seeders can spread their records to multiple servers running standard DNS servers like bind etc.

On 15 May 2014 12:50, Andreas Schildbach <andreas@schildbach.de> wrote:
I'm bringing this issue up again. The current Bitcoin DNS seed
infrastructure is unstable. I assume this is because of we're using a
custom DNS implementation which is not 100% compatible. There have been
bugs in the past, like a case sensitive match for the domain name.

Current state (seeds taken from bitcoinj):


seed.bitcoin.sipa.be                    OK
dnsseed.bluematt.me                     OK
dnsseed.bitcoin.dashjr.org              SERVFAIL, tried multiple ISPs
seed.bitcoinstats.com                   OK


testnet-seed.bitcoin.petertodd.org      SERVFAIL, just from Telefonica
testnet-seed.bluematt.me                OK (but only returns one node)

Note: Telefonica is one of Europe's largest ISPs.

I would try to improve DNS myself, but I'm not capable of writing C. My
"fix" would be to reimplement everything in Java -- I doubt you guys
would be happy with that.

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