A few months ago I had a conversation with an executive at a Bitcoin company, and I suggested their developers should get involved with the development list. I was told that they are all subscribed but refuse to post. Puzzled, I asked why, maybe the process isn't clear or we didn't talk about what they were interested in? No, it's because in that executives words "They see how Peter Todd shoots people down in flames and want nothing to do with that". 

Peter, you were named explicitly as the source of the problem. Your immediate knee-jerk reaction to anyone who disagrees with you is making this forum aggressive and ugly - it puts other people off from contributing. For what it's worth, if I were the moderator of this list I would have banned you a long time ago because I value a friendly atmosphere more than your "insights", which are often deeply suspect (as in this case).

Besides, ground up redesigns of Bitcoin like what you propose are more appropriate for bitcointalk. So please take it there.