On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 2:13 AM, Peter Todd <pete@petertodd.org> wrote:
In any case given that SPV peers don't contribute back to the network
they should obviously be heavily deprioritized and served only with
whatever resources a node has spare.

Well, I'm glad we're making progress towards this kind of model :)

If I had to write a scoring function for node importance, I'd start by making nodes I connected to more important than nodes that connected to me. That should prevent the kind of attacks you're talking about. You can then score within those subsets with greater subtlety, like using how long the connection has been active (or extending that with signed timestamps).

This doesn't have any in-built bias against SPV nodes, which is probably very hard to technically implement anyway. But it encodes the intuitive notion that nodes I selected myself are less likely to be DoS attackers than nodes which connected to me.

But the trick is to implement the prioritisation code. The usual way to do this is to have a thread pool that pops requests off a queue. You can either have multiple queues for different priority bands, or code that locks the queue and re-orders it when something new is added. I tend to find the multiple queues approach simpler, especially, it's simpler to export statistics about that via RPC that make it easy to understand what's going on underneath the hood.

So IMHO a patch to address I/O exhaustion should look something like this:
  1. Add a thread pool of 2-3 threads (to give the kernel room to overlap IO) which take in CBlock load requests and then do the load/parse/filter in the background.

  2. Each thread starts by blocking on a counting semaphore which represents the total number of requests.

  3. The network thread message loop is adjusted so it can receive some kind of futures/callbacks/closure object (I guess Boost provides this, alternatively we could switch to using C++11). The closures should also have the score of the node they were created for (note: score not a CNode* as that complicates memory management).

  4. At the start of the network loop a thread-local (or global) variable is set that contains the nodes current score, which is just an n-of-m score where M is the total number of connected nodes and N is the ranked importance. At that point any code that needs to prioritise nodes off against each other can just check that variable whilst doing work. The network loop looks at which file descriptors are select()able and their scores, which closures are pending execution and their scores, then decides whether to handle new network data or run a closure. If there is a draw between the scores, closures take priority to reduce memory pressure and lower latency.

  5. Handling of "getdata" then ends up calling a function that requests a load of a block from disk, and runs a closure when it's finished. The closure inherits the nodes current score, of course, so when the block load is completed execution of the rest of the getdata handling takes priority over handling new traffic from network nodes. When the closure executes, it writes the loaded/filtered data out over the network socket and deletesĀ 
The function that takes a CBlockIndex and yields a future<CBlock> or closure or whatever would internally lock the job queue(s), add the new task and then do a stable sort of the queue using the scoring function, which in this case would simply use the node score as the job score.

It's a fair amount of work, but should ensure that "good" nodes outcompete "bad" nodes for disk IO. Any other disk IO operations can be done in the same way. Note that the bulk of LevelDB write work is already handled on a background thread. The foreground thread only writes a log entry to disk and updates some in-memory data structures.