
I'm pleased to announce version 0.10 of bitcoinj, a Java library for writing Bitcoin applications. BitcoinJ has been used to create everything from end-user wallet apps to network crawlers to SatoshiDice.

To learn how to obtain bitcoinj 0.10, please see the following page:


The v0.10 release is signed by Andreas Schildbach's GPG key. The git hash of the release is 777e6781d789. This paragraph is signed by the same Bitcoin key as with previous releases (check their release announcements to establish continuity).

Signature: H9Nl7FPnmrUOmjhUZ0+xB4YW3q5F5gIkGdvllsDWmWYvOkNQHAE9jZE0I/qE1VfLPeMV+Rzo7geTB43uDSFSMek=

New in this release

API Changes

Known issues

Please see the limitations and missing features page. This page has been fleshed out since the last release with common issues and missing features. A few issues were also fixed and removed.