Nice, Andrew. Just one minor point. SPV clients do not need to maintain an ever growing list of PoW solutions. BitcoinJ uses a ring buffer with 5000 headers and thus has O(1) disk usage. Re-orgs past the event horizon cannot be processed but are assumed to be sufficiently rare that manual intervention would be acceptable. On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 8:48 AM, Andrew Miller wrote: > We (Joseph Bonneau, myself Arvind Narayanan, Jeremy Clark, Ed Felten, > Josh Kroll -- from Stanford, Maryland, Concordia, Princeton) have > written a “systemization” paper about Bitcoin-related research. It’s > going to appear in the Oakland security conference later this year > (IEEE Security and Privacy) but we wanted to announce a draft to this > community ahead of time. > > > > One of the main goals of our work is to build a bridge between the > computer science research community and the cryptocurrency community. > Many of the most interesting ideas and proposals for Bitcoin come from > this mailing list and forums/wikis/irc channels, where many academic > researchers simply don’t know to look! In fact, we started out by > scraping all the interesting posts/articles we could find and trying > to figure out how we could organize them. We hope our paper helps some > of the best ideas and research questions from the Bitcoin community > bubble up and inspires researchers to build on them. > > We didn’t limit our scope to Bitcoin, but we also decided not to > provide a complete survey of altcoins and other next-generation > cryptocurrency designs. Instead, we tried to explain all the > dimensions along which these designs differ from Bitcoin. > > This effort has roughly been in progress over two years, though it > stopped and restarted several times along the way. > > If anyone has comments or suggestions, we still have a week before the > final version is due, and regardless we plan to continue updating our > online version for the forseeable future. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website, > sponsored > by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for > all > things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs > to > news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the > conversation now. > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > > >