I've looked but can't find a post like you're talking about.  Can you point me to it?
If so then bollocks... I'm looking for something useful to do atm.  PoolServerJ is in a holding pattern atm as I've stabilisied all the bugs I know about and am waiting for several pools to finish testing and move into production so I'm twiddling thumbs trying to figure out how to spend my time.

Patches to BitCoinJ are always welcome :-)

If you'd rather do your own thing, you could experiment with writing a proxy that sits in front of bitcoind and multiplexes connections. Gavin is concerned about socket exhaustion as users move to lightweight clients. Multiplexing proxies are a battle-tested technique for reducing the strain of this type of thing. BitCoinJ uses thread-per-connection so wouldn't do a good job of that right now, but allowing it to use a mix of async io and multi-threading would be a nice improvement. It'd need some changes to bitcoind as well for a really good effort, to allow for IPs to be forwarded. I'm happy to discuss it more with you over on the bitcoinj list if wanted.