I'm sure this suggestion will go down like a lead balloon, but Bitcoin Core is not the first project that's had issues with Linux distros silently modifying their software as they package it. In this case Luke has changed things to be closer to what users expect, which is good to see, but I expect to see the same issue crop up with other Linux distributions in future. The temptation to "improve" things when you're a middleman is just too great. The usual approach to fixing it is trademark the project name and use that to enforce "clean" packaging. Firefox and Chrome both take this approach. I'll probably do the same with Lighthouse (need to figure out the trademarking process first). The goal here is not to remove choice, rather to ensure people know what they're getting. It's reasonable to assume if you do "emerge bitcoin" then you're getting Bitcoin Core as distributed by bitcoin.org, not a highly opinionated fork of it. Renaming a project and creating a package under the new name is not only better for end users, but lets the fork grow into something else and be more usable to people on other distros too. In this case "Bitcoin" is already a trademark, though I lost track of who owns it at the moment (the foundation?) but I guess Bitcoin Core is not.