On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 4:31 AM, Gavin Andresen <gavinandresen@gmail.com> wrote:
I'll try harder to be a fascist (it doesn't come naturally to me). HUGE thanks for taking the time to review the fee changes in detail.

Thanks, although I wasn't thinking specifically of you. The fee pull is pretty well laid out. It just reminded me that it seems to be a common issue I've had over the past year or so, across projects and people.
I'm all for using better tools, if they will actually get used. If a potential reviewer has to sign up to create a Review Board account or learn Yet Another Tool, then I think it would be counter-productive:  we'd just make the pool of reviewers even smaller than it already is.

Yes, I don't know if github supports any kind of SSO. I will investigate. As for learning another tool, well, when the current tool kind of sucks I don't see any way around that one :)
Are there good examples of other open source software projects successfully incentivizing review that we can copy?

For example, I'm wondering if maybe for the 0.9 release and onwards the "Thank you" section should thank only people who have significantly helped test or review other people's code.

Perhaps just have a separate section for people who helped review above the current section? It seems a bit mean not to credit occasional contributors who fixed bugs or maintained something important but didn't review complicated changes to the core.