Sounds awesome! Pieter told me at lunch that headers first cut sync time to 45 minutes for him, which is another amazing improvement from the master of optimisations. Pieter, Matt and I also agreed that for maximum impact we should really try to ship payment protocol support in at least two clients simultaneously and ideally with a big merchant signed up too - to send a powerful message that we really mean it. Someone volunteered last week to do it for bitcoinj and if he doesn't pull through, I have some old code from EOY 2012 that I could update to the latest spec and ship at least some basic support. I'd hope that we can get Bitcoin Wallet or MultiBit updates out once bcj has support pretty fast. Also, Jeff said that BitPay want to be a leader in support for the protocol. So let's try and co-ordinate release dates so we can make a bit of a splash and grab the ecosystems attention. On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 2:29 AM, Gavin Andresen wrote: > I plan on spending about half my time on code review and helping get pull > requests tested, and the other half of my time working on code that > probably won't make it into the 0.9 release. > Sounds brilliant. It'll be nice to see the pull request queue drain. Any ideas what the non-0.9 code will be? Fee rework? DoS work?