On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Peter Todd <pete@petertodd.org> wrote:
When I'm reviewing multiple commit pull-requests and want to see every
change made, I always either click on the "Files Changed" tab on github,
which collapses every commit into a single diff, or do the equivalent
with git log.

Why doesn't that work for you?

The files changed tab definitely works better for reading. In the past comments I put there have disappeared, but I think that can also be true of comments put on the individual commit reviews (which is another issue with github, but it's unrelated to how the commits are presented). So I have lost trust in doing reviews that way. It does make things easier to read though.

One advantage of using github is that they're an independent third
party; we should think carefully about the risks of furthering the
impression that Bitcoin development is a closed process by moving the
code review it to a server that we control with explicit review groups.

I guess anyone would be able to sign up and comment.