SPDY requires SSL and is even more complex than HTTP.

Really, the current protocol we've got (length prefixed protobufs) is just fine except for the lack of encryption/authentication. For that you need to do ECDH to establish a shared AES session key, and MAC each packet. Like I said, it's not entirely trivial which is why it's worth trying SSL too, but it's also not a massive effort.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Andreas Schildbach <andreas@schildbach.de> wrote:
On 03/21/2014 02:54 PM, Alex Kotenko wrote:

>     > I wonder how complex it would be to implement HTTP-over-Bluetooth. Not
>     > like I'm willing to do that now, but HTTP is well known and proven
>     to be
>     > quite good for tasks like this, so in theory it would be handy to have
>     > such capacities in here.
>     Thought of that as well. On the other hand, HTTP might be overkill and
>     we inherit its potential downsides as well.
> ​It definitely is an overkill. Don't think we should do it now unless we
> will see later during implementation that we really have to.

Btw. we could also consider SPDY. I'm not sure about the advantages, but
its probably quicker and leaner.

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