On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Jonathan Toomim <j@toom.im> wrote:
3. One user on the bitcointalk p2pool thread (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=18313.msg12733791#msg12733791) claimed that he had this memory usage issue on Linux, but not on Mac OS X, under a GBT workload in both situations.

Thanks for the thorough investigation.
FYI, I believe I've experienced this issue on both Linux & Mac OSX.
I've moved my P2Pool/bitcoind node (rossbennetts.com:9332) from Ubuntu to OSX since my P2Pool instability began and they both seem to become flaky after a few hours of uptime (since ~v0.10.something). I've tried both core and xt.
Two other bitcoin nodes, one connected to electrum-server and one standalone, seem fine.

//long term lurker, first time poster...
