Hi guys,

I am trying to set up the bitcoin development environment on my Mac.

I installed the Bitcoin Core client ( bitcoin-qt ) and also downloaded the binaries.

I face the following issues and hope you can help me to resolve these:

1) Can't open the configuration file from bitcoin-qt.
I have a configuration file $HOME/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
but it's empty. 
When I try to open it via bitcoin-qt ( Preferences -> Show configuration file ) it shows me a popup with an error "Configuration file could not be opened".
I tried to change the permissions: "chmod 600"...no luck...

2) I can launch bitcoind in -regtest regime.
But when I launch bitcoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 101
I get an error:
error code: -32601
error message:
Method not found

3) If I try bitcoin-cli getinfo
I get an error:
error: Could not locate RPC credentials. No authentication cookie could be found, and no rpcpassword is set in the configuration file (/Users/..../Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/bitcoin.conf)

Hope you can help me!
