On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 3:11 AM, Mike Hearn <mike@plan99.net> wrote:

As I believe out of all proposed protocols Satoshi's is still the most powerful, I would suggest that any change to the semantics on nSequence be gated by a high bit or something, so the original meaning remains available if/when resource scheduling and update flood damping are implemented. That way people can try it out and if miners are breaking things too frequently by ignoring the chronological ordering people can abandon protocols that rely on it, and if they aren't they can proceed and benefit from the greater flexibility.

Mike, this proposal was purposefully constructed to maintain as well as possible the semantics of Satoshi's original construction. Higher sequence numbers -- chronologically later transactions -- are able to hit the chain earlier, and therefore it can be reasonably argued will be selected by miners before the later transactions mature. Did I fail in some way to capture that original intent?