After studying the issues I believe that the situation warrants a short-term modest blockchain increase. Somewhere between 2mb-5mb, whatever the community will swallow. I recommend that happen before the winter shopping rush. Then, because of the fundamental technical limitations of scaling, a new system needs to be adopted for fast transactions. To maintain momentum etc., the new system ultimately settles with traditional bitcoins. In order to keep the existing brand momentum, network, and business investment, I believe the smoothest path forward is to build a new, additional system re-using the bitcoin name. I suggest this new system come packaged with the bitcoin core client and be referred to as QuickBitcoin or qbtc or something similar. As far as the public is concerned it could simply continue to be called bitcoin. The system will work on top of traditional bitcoins but have a mechanism for more/faster transactions. Exactly what mechanism doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be reasonably secure/useful and something that the community will accept. I believe this is the best way to scale bitcoin while maintaining the strength of its existing network, community, and branding.