p.s. the links [1] https://blockstream.com/2015/10/12/introducing-liquid/ [2] www.coindesk.com/blockstream-commercial-sidechain-bitcoin-exchanges/ On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Benjamin wrote: > Hello all, > > I was very surprised to learn that Blockstream will implement Sidechains > for exchanges [1], [2] and has been working on this privately. Can somebody > explain this “announcement”? Just a few comments on this “proposal”. > > “This new construction establishes a security profile inherently superior > to existing methods of rapid transfer and settlement, and is directly > applicable to other problems within existing financial institutions.” > > First of all, what does Bitcoin have to do with existing financial > institutions? Secondly, what in do you mean by “rapid transfer” and > "settlement"? Bitcoin is anonymous, digital cash. There is no such thing as > settlement, there is only the transfer of digital cash and that's it > (settlement is a bad word for this kind of transfer of property). If you > make up new terms define them accurately and don't play the > crypto-buzzword-bingo game. > > “This, in addition to increasing the security of funds normally subject to > explicit counterparty risk, fosters conditions that increase market > liquidity and reduce capital requirements for on-blockchain business > models.” > > Again – what does Bitcoin have to do with “market liquidity” and “capital > requirements”? > > “Blockstream's innovative solutions are definitely a game changer for the > Bitcoin industry.” > > Does Blockstream have commercial products now? > > "These initial launch partners include Bitfinex, BTCC, Kraken, Unocoin, > and Xapo, and discussions are underway with another dozen major > institutional traders and licensed exchanges. " > > ??? so many questions and no answers. > > Regards, > Benjamin >