Hi all, Please find below the complete draft of the Bitcoin Secure Multisig Setup (BSMS) BIP. The spec has gone through a number of important updates in the last month or so. Thanks everyone who has participated in the review process. As a PR: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/1097 A few notes: * PBKDF2-SHA512 was chosen instead of PBKDF2-SHA256 for the key derivation function, due to widespread existing hardware support for PBKDF2-SHA512 * Only one descriptor is stored in the multisig configuration - this simplifies wallet setup and recovery (For the full review and relevant discussions, please check out https://github.com/nunchuk-io/bips/pull/1). Best, Hugo
  BIP: To be determined
  Layer: Applications
  Title: Bitcoin Secure Multisig Setup (BSMS)
  Author: Hugo Nguyen , Peter Gray , Marko Bencun , Aaron Chen
, Rodolfo Novak 
  Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
  Status: Proposed
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2020-11-10
  License: BSD-2-Clause
==Introduction== ===Abstract=== This document proposes a mechanism to set up multisig wallets securely. ===Copyright=== This BIP is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. ===Motivation=== The Bitcoin multisig experience has been greatly streamlined under [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0174.mediawiki BIP-0174 (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction)]. However, what is still missing is a standardized process for setting up multisig wallets securely across different vendors. There are a number of concerns when it comes to setting up a multisig wallet: # Whether the multisig configuration, such as Signer membership, script type, derivation paths and number of signatures required, is correct and not tampered with. # Whether the keys or the multisig configuration are leaked during the setup. # Whether the Signer persists the multisig configuration in their respective storage, and under what format. # Whether the Signer's storage is tamper-proof. # Whether the Signer subsequently uses the multisig configuration to generate and verify receive and change addresses. An attacker who can modify the multisig configuration can steal or hold funds for ransom by duping the user into sending funds to the wrong address. An attacker who cannot modify the configuration but can learn about the keys and/or the configuration can monitor transactions in the wallet, resulting in loss of privacy. This proposal seeks to address concerns #1, #2 and #3: to mitigate the risk of tampering during the initial setup phase, and to define an interoperable multisig configuration format. Concerns #4 and #5 should be handled by Signers and are out of scope of this proposal. ==Specification== ===Prerequisites=== This proposal assumes the parties in the multisig support [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki BIP-0032], [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0322.mediawiki BIP-0322], [https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/descriptors.md the descriptor language] and [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3686 AES encryption]. ===File Extension=== All descriptor and key records should have a .bsms file extension. Encrypted data should have a .dat extension. ===Roles=== ====Coordinator==== The Coordinator initiates the multisig setup. The Coordinator determines what type of multisig is used and the exact policy script. If encryption is enabled, the Coordinator also distributes a shared secret or shared secrets to the parties involved for secure communication. The Coordinator gathers information from the Signers to generate a descriptor record. The Coordinator distributes the descriptor record back to the Signers. ====Signer==== The Signer is a participating member in the multisig. Its responsibilities include providing its key record -- which contains an Extended Public Key (XPUB) -- to the Coordinator, verifying that its XPUB is included in the descriptor record and persisting the descriptor record in its storage. ===Setup Process=== ====Round 1==== =====Coordinator===== * The Coordinator creates a new multisig wallet creation session. The Coordinator constructs the multisig script and its policy parameters, such as the required number of signatures and the total number of Signers (M and N). * The session should expire after some time period determined by the Coordinator, e.g., 24 hours. The timeout allows the encryption key to have lower entropy. * If encryption is enabled, the Coordinator distributes a secret TOKEN to each Signer over a secure channel. The Signer can use the TOKEN to derive an ENCRYPTION_KEY. Refer to the Encryption section below for details on the TOKEN, the key derivation function and the encryption scheme. Depending on the use case, the Coordinator can decide whether to share one common TOKEN for all Signers, or to have one per Signer. * If encryption is disabled, the TOKEN is set to 0, and all the encryption/decryption steps below can be skipped. =====Signer===== * The Signer initiates the multisig wallet creation session by setting the TOKEN. The Signer derives an ENCRYPTION_KEY from the TOKEN. The Signer can keep the session open until a different value for the TOKEN is set. * The Signer generates a key record by prompting the user for a multisig derivation path and retrieves the XPUB at that derivation path. Alternatively, the Signer can choose a path on behalf of the user. If the Signer chooses the path, it should try to avoid reusing XPUBs for different wallets. * The first line in the record must be the specification version (BSMS 1.0 as of this writing). The second line must be the hex-encoded TOKEN. The third line must be the KEY. The KEY is an XPUB plus its key origin information, written in the descriptor-defined format, i.e.: [{master key fingerprint}/{derivation path}]{XPUB}. The fourth line is a text description of the key, 80 characters maximum. The fifth line must be a SIG, whereas SIG is the signature generated by using the private key associated with the XPUB to sign the first four lines. The signature should follow [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0322.mediawiki BIP-0322], legacy format accepted. * The Signer calculates the Message Authentication Code (MAC) for the record. The first 16 bytes of the MAC serves as the Initialization Vector (IV) for the encryption. * The Signer encrypts the key record with the ENCRYPTION_KEY and IV. * The Signer encodes the MAC and the ciphertext into hexadecimal format, then concatenates the results: (MAC || ciphertext). ====Round 2==== =====Coordinator===== * The Coordinator gathers key records from all participating Signers. The Coordinator verifies that there are exactly N unique key records before the wallet setup session expires. * For each key record, the Coordinator extracts the MAC from the data, sets IV to the first 16 bytes of the MAC, then decrypts the ciphertext using the ENCRYPTION_KEY and IV. * The Coordinator verifies that the included MAC is valid given the plaintext. * The Coordinator verifies that the key records have compatible specification versions. * The Coordinator verifies that the included SIG is valid given the KEY. * If all key records look good, the Coordinator fills in all necessary information to generate a descriptor record. * The first line in the descriptor record must be the specification version (BSMS 1.0 as of this writing). The second line must be a comma-separated list of accepted derivation paths that the Signers can use to generate addresses from the included XPUBs. The paths must start with / and use non-hardened derivation. For example, /0/* and /1/* are some common paths. If there are no restrictions, it must say No path restrictions. The third line must be the descriptor string plus a CHECKSUM, all in one line. The CHECKSUM has [https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/descriptors.md#checksums BECH32 encoding]. * The Coordinator calculates the MAC for the record. The first 16 bytes of the MAC serves as the IV for the encryption.. * The Coordinator encrypts the descriptor record with the ENCRYPTION_KEY and IV. * The Coordinator encodes the MAC and the ciphertext into hexadecimal format, then concatenates the results: (MAC || ciphertext). * The Coordinator sends the encrypted descriptor record to all participating Signers. =====Signer===== * The Signer imports the descriptor record. * The Signer extracts the MAC from the data, sets IV to the first 16 bytes of the MAC, then decrypts the ciphertext using the ENCRYPTION_KEY (derived from the open session) and IV. * The Signer verifies that the included MAC is valid given the plaintext. * The Signer verifies that it can support the included specification version. * The Signer verifies that it is compatible with the derivation path restrictions. * The Signer verifies the descriptor’s CHECKSUM. * The Signer verifies that it can support the descriptor. * The Signer checks that its KEY is included in the descriptor, using path and fingerprint information provided. The check must perform an exact match on the KEYs and not using shortcuts such as matching fingerprints, which is trivial to spoof. * For confirmation, the Signer must display to the user the CHECKSUM, the derivation path restrictions and the policy parameters, such as M, N and the position(s) of its own XPUB in the policy script. The total number of Signers, N, is important to prevent a KEY insertion attack. The position is important for scripts where key order matters. When applicable, all positions of the XPUB must be displayed. The full descriptor must also be available for review upon user request. * When possible, the Signer should also show a preview of the first address(es) of the wallet. * Parties must check with each other that all Signers have verified the descriptor and has the same confirmation (except for the key positions). * If all checks pass, the Signer must persist the descriptor record in its storage. This completes the setup. ===Encryption=== ====The Token==== We define three modes of encryption. # NO_ENCRYPTION : the TOKEN is set to 0. Encryption is disabled. # STANDARD : the TOKEN is a 64-bit nonce. # EXTENDED : the TOKEN is a 96-bit nonce. The TOKEN can be converted to one of these formats: * A decimal number (recommended). The number must not exceed the maximum value of the nonce. * A mnemonic phrase using [https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0039.mediawiki BIP-0039] word list (6 words in STANDARD mode; 9 words in EXTENDED mode). * A QR code. * Other formats. The flexibility in the data format allows each Signer to customize the User Experience based on its respective capabilities. ====Key Derivation==== The key derivation function is [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898 PBKDF2], with PRF = SHA512. Specifically: DKey = PBKDF2(PRF, Password, Salt, c, dkLen) Whereas: * PRF = SHA512 * Password = "No SPOF" * Salt = TOKEN * c = 2048 * dkLen = 256 * DKey = Derived ENCRYPTION_KEY ====Encryption Scheme==== The encryption scheme is [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3686 AES-256-CTR]. MAC = HMAC-SHA256(HMAC_Key, hex-encoded TOKEN || Data) IV = First 16 bytes of MAC Ciphertext = AES-256-CTR-Encrypt(Plaintext, DKey, IV) Plaintext = AES-256-CTR-Decrypt(Ciphertext, DKey, IV) Whereas: * DKey = ENCRYPTION_KEY * HMAC_Key = SHA256(ENCRYPTION_KEY) * Data = the plaintext, e.g. the entire key record in round 1 and the entire descriptor record in round 2 The MAC is to be sent along with the key and descriptor record, as specified above. Because it is a MAC over the entire plaintext, this is essentially an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authenticated_encryption#Encrypt-and-MAC_(E&M) Encrypt-and-MAC] form of authenticated encryption. ==QR Codes== For signers that use QR codes to transmit data, key and descriptor records can be converted to QR codes, following [https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Research/blob/master/papers/bcr-2020-005-ur.md the BCR standard]. Also refer to [https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Research/blob/master/papers/bcr-2020-015-account.md UR Type Definition for BIP44 Accounts] and [https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Research/blob/master/papers/bcr-2020-010-output-desc.md UR Type Definition for Bitcoin Output Descriptors] for more details. ==Security== This proposal introduces two layers of protection. The first one is a temporary, secret TOKEN. The second one is the descriptor CHECKSUM. The TOKEN is used to encrypt the two rounds of communication between the Signer and the Coordinator. A MAC is also generated from the TOKEN and plaintext to authenticate the data being exchanged. The TOKEN is only needed during the setup phase, and can be safely discarded afterwards. The descriptor CHECKSUM, on the other hand, can be used to verify the integrity of the multisig configuration. An attacker who tampers with the multisig configuration must also change the descriptor CHECKSUM. Parties must check with each other that all Signers have the same CHECKSUM, along with the policy parameters, to reduce the chance of tampering. The CHECKSUM must be persisted along with the descriptor in each Signer’s storage. The TOKEN and the CHECKSUM can’t guarantee complete protection, since that depends on the overall security of all parties in the setup, but they can make it significantly harder for an attacker to tamper with the multisig configuration. ==Privacy== Encryption helps improve the privacy of the wallet by avoiding sharing XPUBs and descriptors in plaintext. If the parties wish to have stronger privacy, it is recommended to use a higher number of bits for the TOKEN, and to completely erase knowledge of the TOKEN after the multisig wallet has been set up. ==Test Vectors== ===Mode: NO_ENCRYPTION=== ====ROUND 1==== * Coordinator ** M-of-N: 2/2 ** ADDRESS_TYPE: NATIVE_SEGWIT ** TOKEN: 0 * Signer 1 ** MASTER_KEY_FINGERPRINT: 539f3d89 ** PRIVATE_KEY (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): KyoXqiwiz6qm21BSYebiZFfNF7obkhiJW6TdPMZTQQMF4kZtfD78 ** XPUB (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): xpub6ETerig7tq89mtaD8Gau2xRWxouRMBy6XHqciA8GZzC2dJv3w6FxfgoegH4b2qYF4oG6VBrhpLrauPs5E1q58GLCnhKp6g9QsV9ZA7J5JNa ** Legacy signature ** signer_1_key.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
Signer 1 key
* Signer 2 ** MASTER_KEY_FINGERPRINT: f8b12aa6 ** PRIVATE_KEY (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): L1zht7muKnUYFMdzC3jwXd78u8tGoKr46AXGh4waF9nphUYWq7ow ** XPUB (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): xpub6EWPNhGSX86SN4J2DrBUaQ826o6V4egHqAJZUDJqnsthv9CcjBZV79u68M3YZkuTJnJBXfCrHuJy97fkVurntwgt3V7Ms5hXpJV2vS8fQZM ** Legacy signature ** signer_2_key.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
Signer 2 key
====ROUND 2==== * Coordinator ** my_multisig_wallet.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
===Mode: STANDARD Encryption=== ====ROUND 1==== * Coordinator ** M-of-N: 2/2 ** ADDRESS_TYPE: NATIVE_SEGWIT ** TOKEN (hex): 1ed4ba49e96336b8 *** TOKEN (decimal): 2221605342811469496 *** TOKEN (mnemonic): burst place mystery spot cricket foster ** ENCRYPTION_KEY (hex): 72185a0e25b4efc5d6ac0f8ed32b0165199100e32385040e3a48eb30164bf492 * Signer 1 ** MASTER_KEY_FINGERPRINT: 98d79e95 ** PRIVATE_KEY (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): KydC7hZFtWe56oQUAw14HvQ3gKeKVd3m8frFgVMxUqpuhKHvcmm3 ** XPUB (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): xpub6DvvwHS5pd1D36xt4YBGJvtdThWXfn8L9qRj9DbFMExMeP6eBE6Aw9WyBC7XUQwiPPDFurirewsKZpYv68yTV5RBy7SZmw45QEkaLka5BCt ** Legacy signature ** signer_1_key.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
Signer 1 key
* Signer 1 encryption ** HMAC_KEY (hex): 4dab3988cbc683ad7a8c93d43f9b11a78b63a93d5e33ea19c603f4b7b87ac284 ** MAC (hex): afe99e92f0eadc3308eb990045e90a4f54e9f59d22aae5034ac3d866d29c508d ** IV (hex) : afe99e92f0eadc3308eb990045e90a4f ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** signer_1_key.dat:
* Signer 2 ** MASTER_KEY_FINGERPRINT: 3e94b5a1 ** PRIVATE_KEY (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): KyPh5XYjExjNHPiBjYhp8iAntAehrDziiwRv7y9Ln6eK9QU2xP55 ** XPUB (m/48'/0'/0'/2'): xpub6E1W1DUYY29V2b8czCcpi36GG2uD33B11vwNopgTZwsVyfgAkA4kPCqLP5R4YzaRvzW17CQrDkgmDQbA848AdkR7W18nNvMKXzzCBSnZP9c ** Legacy signature ** signer_2_key.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
Signer 2 key
* Signer 2 encryption ** HMAC_KEY (hex): 4dab3988cbc683ad7a8c93d43f9b11a78b63a93d5e33ea19c603f4b7b87ac284 ** MAC (hex): 5c7cb2ac407cd60b1f2b86ef46077d3a312b6ce921df2a141347e8bf1e5c6573 ** IV (hex) : 5c7cb2ac407cd60b1f2b86ef46077d3a ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): f23e6c76ff45d308dea6014030a274127ad437228f1d5ec2431d2ea9e3cedd5b0a207a9efa6f926d5420205003f3cb9c4b82b2d595180e62a173a2e5aa0322de48a70a873f641bdae1764e6b1667c241e0fe03a4ccdc3fe0cfa5f75b239d6497c3b69dca17bb685ba70b307d1243836d8fb198ce727cfae4057ee0b4fdcb09f4ba5ae127f49c5de780edb4e40aec96303c8a7b98b1b8e53dd5e07e01d4f3ffd836763209a1f0cbc61adcfdc2951e77528ee7b6e68114c3a4bec38875d285021e68ae8aa913bb1e2e65dd52c649a0e98bfb4e8bab6dd10295c1167a0854ba44f094feb75d2fb00c944f07d4b47114f483df9838459316f3ddbc4a82e6507881931f8e20f5b805 ** signer_2_key.dat:
====ROUND 2==== *Coordinator ** my_multisig_wallet.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
*Coordinator encryption ** HMAC_KEY (hex): 4dab3988cbc683ad7a8c93d43f9b11a78b63a93d5e33ea19c603f4b7b87ac284 ** MAC (hex): df3d06db6c8b8a5f25de202e10ea225df6415d1ed0e36c64cc2be1b7e86c2a38 ** IV (hex) : df3d06db6c8b8a5f25de202e10ea225d ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** my_multisig_wallet.dat:
===Mode: EXTENDED Encryption=== ====ROUND 1==== *Coordinator ** M-of-N: 2/3 ** ADDRESS_TYPE: NESTED_SEGWIT ** TOKEN for Signer 1 (hex): 654d63309464afcda558c6aa *** TOKEN (decimal): 31351541690484562733651510954 *** TOKEN (mnemonic): grab help slow churn enough traffic nice boat price *** ENCRYPTION_KEY (hex): 4073adac2351e164b8d68039abd9d4b8e4d07adccfdf73ece6e236d60b107802 ** TOKEN for Signer 2 (hex): b0344f51d5cb04083d598fa3 *** TOKEN (decimal): 54532600447720520868878192547 *** TOKEN (mnemonic): rabbit pen stamp process raccoon advice voice cradle person *** ENCRYPTION_KEY (hex): 6bae6b670e257d7468c3e90194029dd468a2f39d8b9a3ff187b08209b1d409b6 ** TOKEN for Signer 3 (hex): 163fd307195982c4c39d50bb *** TOKEN (decimal): 6885829092987042066541138107 *** TOKEN (mnemonic): bike write scrub crawl oblige give attack present rookie *** ENCRYPTION_KEY (hex): c78b94589214b6dc98b337ba4ce54380553ed00a1e5b1955fc540ce3b30d6566 * Signer 1 ** MASTER_KEY_FINGERPRINT: 110dc257 ** PRIVATE_KEY (m/48'/0'/0'/1'): KzshDDEBhzyiwXHoyE7ZiLegzztEy54AG6Wq8N844LqHSQMHt4Ji ** XPUB (m/48'/0'/0'/1'): xpub6EPQbDFezXYvVFHqnc8R7QUSE8hTepbyCXU7jJBT4dVm2rQHe1i6isqoj59qhyBiCdKquo6QsgMZNHvEz3BM4cNSszF25siTqLUCznBm8vk ** Legacy signature ** signer_1_key.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
Signer 1 key
* Signer 1 encryption ** HMAC_KEY (hex): f43c359a4b3d7b2e01be73c54519b12545ca9a23a86f824aadf577b314a7caa7 ** MAC (hex): 40b6b43e2f1bc01b748eb242235d7e09fa8a2fd6cebe35784cf3adf81910ec98 ** IV (hex) : 40b6b43e2f1bc01b748eb242235d7e09 ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** signer_1_key.dat:
* Signer 2 ** MASTER_KEY_FINGERPRINT: 5c890401 ** PRIVATE_KEY (m/48'/0'/0'/1'): L41Jnc9CdBtBJd18429MDGcTgP2DNoXaKyyGr271ndTprvrHXDQf ** XPUB (m/48'/0'/0'/1'): xpub6EW1SmjSXq9YwVwcan5qWEncgx89SozMvGNpYF6hfZHYNTikNZ4gsXuVhHTi6xYJCkmY4X4wpPPS5Gr7aY39dVJMS2TGfihr25oaspKtU8q ** Legacy signature ** signer_2_key.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
Signer 2 key
* Signer 2 encryption ** HMAC_KEY (hex): e0a20b5f5285fbaa35aad08fb70f5626c9abbe1b384a4950735b28aca6325ff2 ** MAC (hex): 3a6deec8dbdbd6606a52c7d7e64eca4f972a293cbabac6f62736629fbe77928a ** IV (hex) : 3a6deec8dbdbd6606a52c7d7e64eca4f ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** signer_2_key.dat:
* Signer 3 ** MASTER_KEY_FINGERPRINT: 614cbf5f ** PRIVATE_KEY (m/48'/0'/0'/1'): L2ccRLzH7GfVxWpU8YSY9y5UGyRoqW3UdeNT1vGfVbxAGhwU5qhD ** XPUB (m/48'/0'/0'/1'): xpub6F9TfWTFcMYy5Ycd2ka2az1brJj78J2isLAWptZnCpFsesss5sZv5B8xsgt71ZXfhDWhUtf4vng4zY6HUVrQbDMPDYRLYvFFoLnAYfzgYPH ** Legacy signature ** signer_3_key.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
Signer 3 key
* Signer 3 encryption ** HMAC_KEY (hex): 1f51ea067c121e2f86af5e1d484905046bc63e861573157d8b1ae9e7e47e224b ** MAC (hex): 1a5624fcb39cebabb6174456173eec19b756bc916cf2c9d815e9bcce070898c4 ** IV (hex) : 1a5624fcb39cebabb6174456173eec19 ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** signer_3_key.dat:
====ROUND 2==== * Coordinator ** my_multisig_wallet.bsms:
BSMS 1.0
* Send to Signer 1: ** HMAC_KEY (hex): f43c359a4b3d7b2e01be73c54519b12545ca9a23a86f824aadf577b314a7caa7 ** MAC (hex): ee74a0f50943d7d1b65270028bb05133e87c832cdc1ef0a07c79db2093ca3432 ** IV (hex) : ee74a0f50943d7d1b65270028bb05133 ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** my_multisig_wallet_for_signer_1.dat:
* Send to Signer 2: ** HMAC_KEY (hex): e0a20b5f5285fbaa35aad08fb70f5626c9abbe1b384a4950735b28aca6325ff2 ** MAC (hex): 81df9e064f1de1d5f754c4e20f9286f9d81b856d3965677a9f2430cb9297ad1f ** IV (hex) : 81df9e064f1de1d5f754c4e20f9286f9 ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** my_multisig_wallet_for_signer_2.dat:
* Send to Signer 3: ** HMAC_KEY (hex): 1f51ea067c121e2f86af5e1d484905046bc63e861573157d8b1ae9e7e47e224b ** MAC (hex): 159a91100cacd123480b7d085c8bb32ec8eb06f0391b6dc8fac07ae67eb37b81 ** IV (hex) : 159a91100cacd123480b7d085c8bb32e ** CIPHERTEXT (hex): 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 ** my_multisig_wallet_for_signer_3.dat:
==Acknowledgement== Special thanks to Pavol Rusnak, Dmitry Petukhov, Christopher Allen, Craig Raw, Robert Spigler, Gregory Sanders, Ta Tat Tai, Michael Flaxman, Pieter Wuille and others for their feedback on the specification. ==References== Original mailing list thread: https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2021-February/018385.html