Following on my earlier message , I am happy to announce a new soft fork to be deployed using BIP 9 - Version bits. Please review BIP 9 as it has been updated for information on how Version bits soft forks activate. This deployment is being referred to as CSV (CheckSequenceVerify) and will activate the following 3 BIPS as consensus rules: BIP 68 - Relative lock-time using consensus-enforced sequence numbers BIP 112 - CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY BIP 113 - Median time-past as endpoint for lock-time calculations These BIP's have been updated with the deployment information: bit: 0 startTime: 1462060800 "May 1st, 2016" (mainnet) 1456790400 "March 1st, 2016" (testnet) endTime: 1493596800 "May 1st, 2017" (mainnet and testnet) Bitcoin Core will release 0.11.3 and 0.12.1 software which implements these soft forks in the near future. Thanks, Alex