Since the last related correspondence on this list [0], a number of improvements have been made to the OP_VAULT draft [1]: * There is no longer a hard dependence on package relay/ephemeral anchors for fee management. When using "authorized recovery," all vault-related transactions can be bundled with unrelated inputs and outputs, facilitating fee management that is self contained to the transaction. Consequently, the contents of this proposal are in theory usable today. * Specific output locations are no longer hardcoded in any of the transaction validation algorithms. This means that the proposal is now compatible with future changes like SIGHASH_GROUP, and transaction shapes for vault operations are more flexible. --- I've written a BIP that fully describes the proposal here: The corresponding PR is here: My next steps will be to try for a merge to the inquisition repo. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far, but especially to AJ and Greg for all the advice. James [0]: [1]: