This has been confirmed as a bug. Thanks again for reporting. I've filed a fix here (, and will be writing tests to prevent regressions.

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 4:32 PM, James O'Beirne <> wrote:
Hey, Daniel.

Patch author here. Thanks for the diligence; I think this indeed may be an oversight, though I'm going to need to look into a bit more thoroughly at home. Curious that it didn't fail any of the automated tests.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only actual invocation of that method is here (and even then, proxied through a few layers of CCoinView-machinery). In fact, this line makes me suspect that the implementation of GetStats you reference may be dead code.

In any case, you raise a good point: if users of CLevelDBWrapper go directly for the iterator, they run the risk of dealing with obfuscated data. This should be remedied somehow.

I'll give it more look this evening.

Thanks again for the find,

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:25 AM, Daniel Kraft via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:

I hope this is not a stupid question, but I thought I'd ask here first
instead of opening a Github ticket (in case I'm wrong).

With the recently merged "obfuscation" patch, content of the
"chainstate" LevelDB is obfuscated by XOR'ing against a random "key".
This is handled by CLevelDBWrapper's Read/Write methods, which probably
cover most of the usecases.

*However*, shouldn't it also be handled when iterating over the
database?  In particular, I would expect that the obfuscation key is
applied before line 119 in txdb.cpp (i. e., while iterating over the
coin database in CCoinsViewDB::GetStats).

Is there a reason why this need not be done there, or is this an actual


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