On Jun 23, 2016 14:10, "Peter Todd" wrote: > Right, so you accept that we'll exert some degree of editorial control; the > question now is what editorial policies should we exert? No, I do not. I am saying that some degree of editorial control will inevitably exist, simply because there is some human making the choice of assigning a BIP number and merging. My opinion is that we should try to restrict that editorial control to only be subject to objective process, and not be dependent on personal opinions. > My argument is that rejecting BIP75 is something we should do on > ethical/strategic grounds. You may disagree with that, but please don't troll > and call that "advocating censorship" I think that you are free to express dislike of BIP75. Suggesting to remove it for that reason is utterly ridiculous to me, whatever you want to call it. -- Pieter