Normalized transaction ids are only effectively non-malleable when all inputs they refer to are also non-malleable (or you can have malleability in 2nd level dependencies), so I do not believe it makes sense to allow mixed usage of the txids at all. They do not provide the actual benefit of guaranteed non-malleability before it becomes disallowed to use the old mechanism. That, together with the +- resource doubling needed for the UTXO set (as earlier mentioned) and the fact that an alternative which is only a softfork are available, makes this a bad idea IMHO. Unsure to what extent this has been presented on the mailinglist, but the softfork idea is this: * Transactions get 2 txids, one used to reference them (computed as before), and one used in an (extended) sighash. * The txins keep using the normal txid, so not structural changes to Bitcoin. * The ntxid is computed by replacing the scriptSigs in inputs by the empty string, and by replacing the txids in txins by their corresponding ntxids. * A new checksig operator is softforked in, which uses the ntxids in its sighashes rather than the full txid. * To support efficiently computing ntxids, every tx in the utxo set (currently around 6M) stores the ntxid, but only supports lookup bu txid still. This does result in a system where a changed dependency indeed invalidates the spending transaction, but the fix is trivial and can be done without access to the private key. On May 13, 2015 5:50 AM, "Christian Decker" wrote: > Hi All, > > I'd like to propose a BIP to normalize transaction IDs in order to address > transaction malleability and facilitate higher level protocols. > > The normalized transaction ID is an alias used in parallel to the current > (legacy) transaction IDs to address outputs in transactions. It is > calculated by removing (zeroing) the scriptSig before computing the hash, > which ensures that only data whose integrity is also guaranteed by the > signatures influences the hash. Thus if anything causes the normalized ID > to change it automatically invalidates the signature. When validating a > client supporting this BIP would use both the normalized tx ID as well as > the legacy tx ID when validating transactions. > > The detailed writeup can be found here: > > > @gmaxwell: I'd like to request a BIP number, unless there is something > really wrong with the proposal. > > In addition to being a simple alternative that solves transaction > malleability it also hugely simplifies higher level protocols. We can now > use template transactions upon which sequences of transactions can be built > before signing them. > > I hesitated quite a while to propose it since it does require a hardfork > (old clients would not find the prevTx identified by the normalized > transaction ID and deem the spending transaction invalid), but it seems > that hardforks are no longer the dreaded boogeyman nobody talks about. > I left out the details of how the hardfork is to be done, as it does not > really matter and we may have a good mechanism to apply a bunch of > hardforks concurrently in the future. > > I'm sure it'll take time to implement and upgrade, but I think it would be > a nice addition to the functionality and would solve a long standing > problem :-) > > Please let me know what you think, the proposal is definitely not set in > stone at this point and I'm sure we can improve it further. > > Regards, > Christian > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud > Widest out-of-the-box monitoring support with 50+ applications > Performance metrics, stats and reports that give you Actionable Insights > Deep dive visibility with transaction tracing using APM Insight. >;117567292;y > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > > > >