Yes, I believe peer rotation is useful, but not for privacy - just for improving the network's internal knowledge. I haven't looked at the implementation yet, but how I imagined it would be every X minutes you attempt a new outgoing connection, even if you're already at the outbound limit. Then, if a connection attempt succeeds, another connection (according to some scoring system) is replaced by it. Given such a mechanism, plus reasonable assurances that better connections survive for a longer time, I have no problem with rotating every few minutes. On Aug 18, 2014 7:23 PM, "Gregory Maxwell" wrote: > On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Ivan Pustogarov > wrote: > > Hi there, > > I'd like to start a discussion on periodic rotation of outbound > connections. > > E.g. every 2-10 minutes an outbound connections is dropped and replaced > > by a new one. > > Connection rotation would be fine for improving a node's knoweldge > about available peers and making the network stronger against > partitioning. > > I haven't implemented this because I think your motivation is > _precisely_ opposite the behavior. If you keep a constant set of > outbound peers only those peers learn the origin of your transactions, > and so it is unlikely that any particular attacker will gain strong > evidence. If you rotate where you send out your transactions then with > very high probability a sybil pretending to be many nodes will observe > you transmitting directly. > > Ultimately, since the traffic is clear text, if you expect to have any > privacy at all in your broadcasts you should be broadcasting over tor > or i2p. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > > >