Yes, I believe peer rotation is useful, but not for privacy - just for improving the network's internal knowledge.

I haven't looked at the implementation yet, but how I imagined it would be every X minutes you attempt a new outgoing connection, even if you're already at the outbound limit. Then, if a connection attempt succeeds, another connection (according to some scoring system) is replaced by it. Given such a mechanism, plus reasonable assurances that better connections survive for a longer time, I have no problem with rotating every few minutes.

On Aug 18, 2014 7:23 PM, "Gregory Maxwell" <> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Ivan Pustogarov <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'd like to start a discussion on periodic rotation of outbound connections.
> E.g. every 2-10 minutes an outbound connections is dropped and replaced
> by a new one.

Connection rotation would be fine for improving a node's knoweldge
about available peers and making the network stronger against

I haven't implemented this because I think your motivation is
_precisely_ opposite the behavior. If you keep a constant set of
outbound peers only those peers learn the origin of your transactions,
and so it is unlikely that any particular attacker will gain strong
evidence. If you rotate where you send out your transactions then with
very high probability a sybil pretending to be many nodes will observe
you transmitting directly.

Ultimately, since the traffic is clear text, if you expect to have any
privacy at all in your broadcasts you should be broadcasting over tor
or i2p.

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