I don't think you're actually familiar with either of those tools. A run script is not much different than an init script? Those who live in tonal caves shouldn't crap on themselves, or something. On Aug 22, 2011 2:49 PM, "Luke-Jr" wrote: > > On Monday, August 22, 2011 3:30:04 PM Douglas Huff wrote: > > On Aug 22, 2011 2:26 PM, "Fred Concklin" wrote: > > > I'm also interested in work to daemonize bitcoin on boot and furthering > > > work to bring bitcoin into general coding and implementation paradigms > > > seen on GNU/Linux platforms. > > > > What? It already works fine in this regard using standard tools. Especially > > easy with daemontools/runit. > > He said standard *coding and implementation paradigms*. This has nothing to do > with integration with some non-standard "init replacement" that goes against > the whole design of Unix. > > What I understand this to mean, is properly abstracting the components such > that the node, wallet, and GUI can work together while being distinct parts. > In this sense, Fred, you may be interested in working on coming up with a > standard for a https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_protocol