if we forget about backward compatibility and the impact of other types of transactions, then the following two options would be possible:
a) allocate only up to 10% of the space in the block for non-standard transactions - then all senders of non-standard transactions will compete with each other and it's only 10% with other types of transactions. In the absence of non-standard transactions, all space of the block will be given to standard ones. And in the absence of standard transactions - all space of the block will be given to non-standard ones. If bitcoin-chain was created primarily for standard transactions, then such a model will have to be supported by the majority.
b) change the architecture in such a way that the onchain ordinals transaction became much more expensive, which would force them to go to their own type of the LN - this would be a kind of justice, like the displacement of small transactions from the onchain to the LN happening already now


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Dipl.-Ing. Aleksandr Kwaskoff

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Poland, Warsaw | Polska, Warszawa