"Or a really high lock_time, but it would not make it invalid, just delayed." Ok, this was a bad idea, since nodes would have to keep it in memory. Please disregard that idea... Kalle Den 27 apr 2015 14:35 skrev "Kalle Rosenbaum" : > > > > > Some more use cases might be: > > Waiting in comfort: > > - Send a payment ahead of time, then wander over and collect the goods > > after X confirmations. > > > > Authorized pickup : > > - Hot wallet software used by related people could facilitate the use > > of 1 of N multisig funds. Any one of the N wallets could collect goods > > and services purchased by any of the others. > > I like this one, because it shows the power of reusing the transaction data structure. > > > > > Non-monetary gifts: > > - Sender exports spent keys to a beneficiary, enabling PoP to work as a > > gift claim > > > > Contingent services: > > - Without Bob's permission, a 3rd party conditions action on a payment > > made from Alice to Bob. For example, if you donated at least .02 BTC to > > Dorian, you (or combining scenarios, any of your N authorized family > > members), can come to my dinner party. > > This is an interesting one. > > > > > I tried out your demo wallet and service and it worked as advertised. > > > > Could the same standard also be used to prove that a transaction COULD > > BE created? To generalize the concept beyond actual payments, you could > > call it something like proof of payment potential. > > I guess it's possible, but we'd have to remove the txid from the output, since there is none. This is a way of saying "I'm in control of these addresses". The other party/parties can then verify the funds on the blockchain and watch those addresses for changes. Maybe there are some interesting use cases here. Ideas? > > > > > Why not make these proofs permanently INVALID transactions, to remove > > any possibility of their being mined and spending everything to fees > > when used in this way, and also in cases involving reorganizations? > > Yes. Initially I thought it would be enough that the funds are already spent, but I think you're right here. Reorgs could be a problem. Worse, you also might want to prove 0-confirmation transactions, in which case it's a huge security problem. Someone might intercept the PoP and publish it on the bitcoin network, spending all the funds. But I still would like wallets to be able to build/verify PoPs with little or no modifications. Could we possibly change the version number on the PoP to something other than 1? Maybe 2^4-1? Or a really high lock_time, but it would not make it invalid, just delayed. Any suggestions here? > > > > > I agree that PoP seems complementary to BIP70. > > > > > > Thank you very much for your comments! > > /Kalle