I’m pleased to announce version 0.12 of bitcoinj, one of the worlds most popular Bitcoin libraries. It is used by at least four Android wallets, three desktop wallets, blockchain.info, Circle, biteasy, CryptoCorp, Lighthouse, BlueMatt’s relay network, bitpos, countless alt coin wallets, for academic research projects and much more.

This release represents 8 months of work. The biggest new feature is HD wallets. Other notable enhancements include a bundled Tor client that can be activated with one line of code, support for multisig wallets, much faster and deterministic ECDSA, many API improvements and big upgrades to the included GUI wallet which can be seen in a new screencasted tutorial.

The commit hash of bitcoinj 0.12 is 83a9a71f3fff3f223d0737ad758b519a39dbbd62. 

New in this release

Documentation and tutorials

API changes