
Yea, I vaguely remember going through all this when I first tried building it.  If I recall you can statically link libz into crypto when you compile crypto.  Or something like that.  Maybe the default MacPorts crypto install does not do this.



Eric Mockensturm, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

157C Hammond Building

University Park, PA  16802


Phone/Fax:  (814) 863-0736/7222

On Oct 6, 2011, at 6:18 PM, Brian McQueen wrote:

I added -mt and it compiles, but here is a surprise.  I had to add
libz.a to the makefile.osx.  Sounds odd!  Its coming from the crypto

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Douglas Huff <> wrote:
Bad update. Macports has a couple of boost packages. Install the newer 1.46

Douglas Huff

On Oct 5, 2011 1:43 PM, "Gavin Andresen" <> wrote:
I updated src/makefile.osx and doc/build-osx.txt today, assuming that
the MacPorts versions of dependencies will be used and the -mt boost
libraries will be used.

I also modified makefile.unix and makefile.osx to auto-build
dependencies using gcc's -MMD option.

Gavin Andresen

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