> the last thing we need is a rushed upgrade Why do you think this is rushed? Speedy Trial will have few months and if UASF is required it won't involve activation immediately after ST fails. Taproot by 2022 doesn't look rushed approach IMO. > We're not changing things that we worked out already.  Which things have we worked out that cannot be changed or not changed earlier? > how long till we go back and change the coin supply? Coin supply has nothing to do with soft fork activation mechanism IMO. > I understand some of you have no patience and would like mass adoption tomorrow but those are exactly the people that do not have a say in Bitcoin development. If you want to get rich quick you do not care about Bitcoin. Taproot activation or discussion about activation mechanism does not have 100% correlation with mass adoption. It just improves Bitcoin and helps few projects mentioned in https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Taproot_Uses Nobody is talking about get rich quick schemes in Taproot Activation related meetings. At least I have not seen anyone. > If you want faster development cycles then you have lightning to play with. Better development cycles with less delay, less misinformation, less politics, less probability of things being exploited by mining pools or other people, organization etc. with their influence. Lightning Network is a separate project focused on layer 2 and I think it will also benefit from Taproot. > we *DO NOT* change things we already established in the past Interested to know who is "we" in this sentence and what are the "things" that cannot be changed. > In order to solve the LOT debate lets give Wladimir the power to decide on his own and if he has no strong opinions he should just flip a coin. LOT has become LOL. If this is about Bitcoin Core maintainers deciding things for Bitcoin Core, sure they already do. But users have the freedom to decide if they want to run it with default settings or use other implementation. > MAST threshold can be even lower because it is not representative of an economic majority and it could speed up the upgrade. Agree > At this point involve as few people as possible and get it done. This is just about the software and the parameters of the new consesus. Everyone should be welcome to participate in meetings, ask questions, learn more and contribute. I don't see anything wrong with it. -- Prayank