> back in the day we also had people that thought 10 min avg block time is too much.

Not sure what some people thought about block time interval has to do with me. Also these are the things written by Greg Maxwell and Chris Belcher about it that I agree with and been sharing from sometime now on many platforms:



> Starting from the parameters of bitcoin consensus to the way Bitcoin Core is organized to the minimum time of 18 months an upgrade needs to last. (based on prior experience) If you want to challenge any of the old rules it takes more than ignoring them and doing whatever you feel like (is useful to get the result you want (again the tyrant theme)).

I was assuming Bitcoin is a protocol for p2p decentralized network and Bitcoin Core is just one implementation which is used by most of the people for lot of reasons but things can be improved and I am hopeful will improve with time. Users were, are and will be free to run whatever they feel like: Bitcoin Core or fork of Bitcoin Core or Other implmenations but still use Bitcoin.

> You seem to believe that there exists some entity that gets to decide what goes on and gets to exclude anyone it wants from the decision making process.

No I don't. You seem to have lot of assumptions. My comments were expectations from the people who are more experienced than me and know more about Bitcoin development. Things can change, you can always go out of the box to improve things.

> "we" is a reference to "we're all Satoshi" and the "things" you will learn by learning the past.

Satoshi if was a person and not group would be disappointed about few things but anyways. "We" should not discourage people from discussion about soft forks that everyone agrees will improve Bitcoin. I don't know everything about past but again thanks for the assumptions.

> If the meeting is about making progress on an issue very few people have any clue about then it is desirable that the people that are looking to learn should do so using other venues.

Any suggestions which venues will work better for Taproot related meeting that you don't have issues with?
