Goog morning ZmnSCPxj, Context: Maybe I should have rephrased it and quote Satoshi. I agree I should not speak for others and it was not my intention in the email. > If Satoshi refuses to participate in Bitcoin development today, who cares what his opinion is? I care about the opinions especially if consensus rules are not changed and remain same as far as subsidy is concerned. > Satoshi is dead, long live Bitcoin. I object to such assumptions about the founder of Bitcoin. Satoshi is more than a pseudonym and will stay alive forever. -- Prayank A3B1 E430 2298 178F Feb 21, 2022, 14:32 by > Good morning Prayank, > > (offlist) > >> Satoshi >> > > I object to the invocation of Satoshi here, and in general. > If Satoshi wants to participate in Bitcoin development today, he can speak for himself. > If Satoshi refuses to participate in Bitcoin development today, who cares what his opinion is? > Satoshi is dead, long live Bitcoin. > > > Aside from that, I am otherwise thinking about the various arguments being presented. > > > Regards, > ZmnSCPxj >