Hello World,

There was some discussion about BIP 47 on twitter recently: https://twitter.com/BitcoinQ_A/status/1356177927285714946

BIP 47 improves privacy however there are a few reasons why its less used:

1.Some developers consider it spams Bitcoin without improving anything: https://twitter.com/LukeDashjr/status/1280475865827151878

2.Paynym (a centralized directory managed by Samourai) and Samourai wallet is the only implementation used for BIP 47 right now. Centralized payment code directory isn't good for privacy and security.

There can be few other important issues which I missed in this email. I have few ideas to solve these 2 problems with the use of TXT records and domains. Since buying domain, managing DNS etc. is mostly centralized I won't share the example using normal DNS. Below proof of concept uses GNS (GNU Name Service):


Payment code for Alice: PM8TJggVVXFKAmfkjnA1CQcrSbGScUKRsVohpfMpSM56f6jg5uQTPJvNS1wKDGV17d9NWLqoVzsJ8qURqpUECmSFLcUuC4g3aMtoXp2fChY1ZEqzG16f

Start GNUnet:

gnunet-arm -s

Create identity:

gnunet-identity -C alice

Check public key:

gnunet-identity -d


Add payment code as TXT record which expires in 90 days:

gnunet-namestore -z alice -a -e "90 d" -p -t TXT -n pay -V "PM8TJTLJbPRGxSbc8EJi42Wrr6QbNSaSSVJ5Y3E4pbCYiTHUskHg13935Ubb7q8tx9GVbh2UuRnBc3WSyJHhUrw8KhprKnn9eDznYGieTzFcwQRya4GA"

Check payment code:

gnunet-gns -t TXT -u pay.alice

Got `TXT' record: PM8TJTLJbPRGxSbc8EJi42Wrr6QbNSaSSVJ5Y3E4pbCYiTHUskHg13935Ubb7q8tx9GVbh2UuRnBc3WSyJHhUrw8KhprKnn9eDznYGieTzFcwQRya4GA


Similarly notification transaction can be replaced with `gnunet-publish`. Nostr is still a work in progress and I think it could also be used for such things in future. Everything looks achievable and involves basic things but we still see people posting their bitcoin address on social media to get donations.


Q&A: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/106971/how-to-accept-donation-correctly/
New proposal: https://gist.github.com/Kixunil/0ddb3a9cdec33342b97431e438252c0a


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