Then you have my apology, I will not claim to be any kind of advocate or user of Bitcoin Cash but *had* understood that segwith had been enabled. Clearly my mistake. Regards, Damian Williamson ________________________________ From: CANNON Sent: Tuesday, 6 February 2018 1:08:24 PM To: Damian Williamson; Bitcoin Protocol Discussion Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] NIST 8202 Blockchain Technology Overview -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 On 01/31/2018 11:16 AM, Damian Williamson wrote: > I disagree with the correctness of the following statement: > > >> Rather than implementing the SegWit changes, the developers of Bitcoin Cash decided to simply increase the blocksize. > > > I would suggest "Rather than being satisfied with the implementation of SegWit changes alone, the developers of > Bitcoin Cash decided to also increase the blocksize. > > > Regards, > > Damian Williamson You do realize that segwit includes many improvements of which are unrelated to scaling? These same improvements of which simply increasing the blocksize alone would not fix or enable. Segwit is not just a blocksize increase. Bitcoin Cash, while increasing the blocksize directly, from my understanding has yet to implement the improvements and capabilities that segwit enables. One example being, with transactions hashes being able to be calculated in advanced prior to signing (due to the signature being in different section than that used to calculate the transaction ID) it is possible to create transaction trees, enhanced smart contracts, trustless mixing protocols, micropayment networks, etc... Segwit also increases the security of signatures. There are lots of other things segregated witness enables as well. By saying "..segwit changes alone.... decided to also..." Bitcoin Cash has not implemented segwit. Bitcoin Cash only increased the blocksize. that wording above at least from the way I read it, seems to imply that Bitcoin Cash has segwit. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJaeQ3IAAoJEAYDai9lH2mwKkQP/3dgYApq1qv2lGIyZIdeN9SE D5AuXPqFQYAoMwhC0RPNQU/jUisKIyd6zm4XCIm6KPufCtXkjfH9FLhd0ThbCTcy Gk+pYYRBzSuBZdPBKg0DHu7alRETtxbdtUI0zDfERt1FFZb+HmcDcGTfwdVci3fa jBiFXq1R+myMW5xdB44dipSk5kBhcpx2zitr1bIA4rF11QbxKAmzU7iPdRpA+PXz gB9NImc1Dbz+TEA50tdq3v9Ov3x7m7F+QtBnqyLAigJh6XKa6guCfwKIGoawRGwZ v2ur7T+Qh3KGRXCBlHnxgtFte16wHagwvsVgE5EEmJR0yJUc/4XU2kCGANVNDZ/P pphqk8pruQ5rjQ8S+s6i5XG8oHVSB2fDh56NvPY7msA72j+Gk+XneV2eJbEAdjhb 9Ci7u1uPJL3pb3c/ZOwQvpIRV3tRjlh0DertWkd3Li5RZLO3uFvBTxNxrni6+9bf /cmAOwfHjoUp8BX/nvgMjpIDCoEu+Rv9IO/ok3s3mX300JbczAdGbXbsPTE5G+DI RB1kSmszwst8wOlOAsdVqk/iKRJdN9daTGGN6aE/wjkpSg8rW9BOaoI2X9t4oXCU +oe/WlgkxhxPcNyhKpLeeYVe6nFX2fjU+THyyiAq/LJ/qHU/brKpXc4NesCVHhQP BBlxiN0E4gndMGs/Lx89 =+UCK -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----