> Any case where a flawed proposal makes it through getting activation parameters set and released, but doesn't achieve supermajority hashpowersupport is made worse by bip8/lot=true in comparison to speedy trial. - Flawed proposal making it through activation is a failure of review process - Supermajority hashpower percentage decided by bitcoin core developers can choose to not follow old or new consensus rules at any point - Speedy trial makes it worse by misleading lot of bitcoin users including miners to consider signaling as voting and majority votes decide if a soft fork gets activated - BIP 8/LOT=TRUE keeps things simple. Miners need to follow consensus rules as they do right now if they wish to mine blocks for subsidy and fees. Note: Mining pools or individual miners can participate in soft fork discussions regardless of activation method and share their concern which can be evaluated based on technical merits. pushd --- parallel lines meet at infinity?