Good Afternoon, Gold is not all off the record if you suppose, it is all the King's property if His Excellency likes. If you suppose for underground gold perhaps fork Bitcoin and make Encryptitcoin and notice governments are hostile to hidden money. Bitcoin also has value because it is transparent and therefore fraud-proof if we must only accept honest blocks. If you want dragnet surveillance, I have already lodged my taxes up to date. KING JAMES HRMH Great British Empire Regards, The Australian LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH (& HMRH) of Hougun Manor & Glencoe & British Empire MR. Damian A. James Williamson Wills et al. Willtech and other projects m. 0487135719 f. +61261470192 This email does not constitute a general advice. Please disregard this email if misdelivered. ________________________________ From: Thomas Hartman Sent: Thursday, 4 March 2021 1:32 AM To: LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH ; Bitcoin Protocol Discussion Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Taproot NACK “all transactions should be open to the scrutiny of an honest government” I agree with this. However, scrutiny does not imply dragnet surveillance. Bitcoin returns us, or at least aspires to return, to the days of a gold standard.[0] You will be familiar with this, from your time in Her Majesty’s empire. In these days, scrutiny implied detectives asking questions. Perhaps they would ask questions of multiple parties and see if certain numbers matched. There was no dragnet surveillance, and this as god intended. We return to these days soon. I agree with your point about consensus as well. You are free to run a node supporting a dragnet surveillance fork, and sell your coins that support gold-like privacy to accumulate more dragnet surveillance coins. I wish you success with that. [0]: On Mar 2, 2021, at 9:54 PM, LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH via bitcoin-dev > wrote: Good Afternoon, All people are entitled to privacy in their purse, and all transactions should be open to the scrutiny of an honest government. You can debate whether any government is honest. Mixing does not remove the record from the public ledger, where it is possible to see that any Bitcoin has transferred from an UTXO to some Pay-To address even with some amount of transaction in between them. The value proposition is the same - because people will trust the system; people trust the existing consensus. Let us dispense with the screen and deal with the issue only. If it is not necessary to maintain consensus then what is consensus? The intrinsic value of Bitcoin is because of the existing consensus. Even if any proposal gains consensus there is no objective way to show it improves the intrinsic value without trialing and the possibility of failure and so protecting the existing consensus should be the highest value. This understanding is the reason BCH exists in addition to BTC Bitcoin. KING JAMES HRMH Great British Empire Regards, The Australian LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH (& HMRH) of Hougun Manor & Glencoe & British Empire MR. Damian A. James Williamson Wills et al. Willtech and other projects m. 0487135719 f. +61261470192 This email does not constitute a general advice. Please disregard this email if misdelivered. ________________________________ From: Eric Voskuil > Sent: Tuesday, 2 March 2021 9:37 AM To: LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH >; Bitcoin Protocol Discussion > Cc: Ariel Lorenzo-Luaces > Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Taproot NACK To be clear, is this a NACK because Taproot reduces “transparency” (increases privacy) on the chain (“maintaining consensus” is obviously an argument against any protocol change, so that’s a red herring)? And is it your theory that only an “honest” (statute abiding) person should have privacy, and not against the state, and/or that mixers are sufficient privacy? Personally, I’m not moved by such an argument. What do you think is the value proposition of Bitcoin? e On Mar 1, 2021, at 14:21, LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH via bitcoin-dev > wrote:  Good Afternoon, I am going to take tough terms with much of your reply and do appreciate a courteous practice. Having previously made public disclosure of my affiliation with it seems sufficient to disclose my affiliation through the link in my email signature block. My concern is not increased privacy it is maintaining consensus values and the transparency of the blockchain wherein all transactions are published in an immutable record and that forbids the redaction of information by any obfuscation. A separate concern is the availability of a privacy suitable for cash should a Bitcoin user desire and especially without disturbing the existing consensus. The use of a Bitcoin Mixer is to enable standard equivalent privacy. As you may experience yourself, you do not allow people to follow you around looking in your purse, suppose you are dealing entirely with cash, and to see where and how much you fill it up, and where you spend. Nonetheless, for an honest person, their wallet is available for government audit as are their financial affairs. This is consistent with the existing operation of consensus. My full email signature block is a disclosure where I have some affiliation with the referenced website being that it carries at least some information that I have provided or that in some way I am associated perhaps only making use of their services. For example, I hardly make a profit from LinkedIn just my information is there. Also, I have made previous public disclosure of the affiliation. Bitcoin Mixer 2.0 is a partner mixer run by wherein I receive a service referral fee and am not in receipt of any part of the process transaction. The operation block diagram provided by is provided here and attached. []-Operation of partner mixer from this thread The installation script provided by that is the basis of my referral website is also publicly published, The disclosure for the partner program is available from however and is made prominently on my referral website. While it may seem lucrative at first I insist all partner profits are reportable on your personal income. I am certainly better than confident that you appreciate the difference between an open and transparent blockchain and the ability of the user to not reveal details of the content of their wallet publicly. If further clarification is required may I suggest you pay a token and mix some Bitcoin wherein our discussion may then have some point of reference. KING JAMES HRMH Great British Empire Regards, The Australian LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH (& HMRH) of Hougun Manor & Glencoe & British Empire MR. Damian A. James Williamson Wills et al. Willtech and other projects m. 0487135719 f. +61261470192 This email does not constitute a general advice. Please disregard this email if misdelivered. ________________________________ From: Ariel Lorenzo-Luaces > Sent: Monday, 1 March 2021 12:07 AM To: LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH >; Bitcoin Protocol Discussion > Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Taproot NACK Hello LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH I find a striking dichotomy between your concern of increased privacy in bitcoin and your link to a bitcoin mixer in your signature At first your concerns seemed genuine but after seeing your promotion of a bitcoin mixer I'm thinking your concerns may be more profit motivated? I can't tell since you failed to disclose your relationship with the mixer. Could you please clarify your association with the bitcoin mixer and moving forward could you please always do proper disclosure any time you're publically talking about bitcoin transaction privacy. It's only fair to do so as to not mislead people in an attempt to manipulate at worst and just a courteous practice at best. Cheers Ariel Lorenzo-Luaces On Feb 28, 2021, at 4:36 AM, LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH via bitcoin-dev > wrote: Good Evening, Thank-you for your advice @JeremyRubin on the basis you advise, "Taproot does not enable monero-like privacy features", I am prepred to withdraw my NACK notably that the existing feeatures of Bitcoin MUST be maintained, and whereby the UTXO of a transaction is identifiable, the PayTo Address, and the amount all without any obfuscation. Lightning does not really provide obfuscation, it provides a result of a subset of transactions although the operation of the channel is observable to the parties. The reports I were reading concerning the supposed operation of Taproot published in a public media channel may have been speculation or misinformation nonetheless it is prudent to conditionally reply as you see that I have. It is important not to allow things to slip through the cracks. As you may believe may astute reviewers could make a full disclosure to this list it is not to be expected. KING JAMES HRMH Great British Empire Regards, The Australian LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH (& HMRH) of Hougun Manor & Glencoe & British Empire MR. Damian A. James Williamson Wills et al. Willtech and other projects m. 0487135719 f. +61261470192 This email does not constitute a general advice. Please disregard this email if misdelivered. ________________________________ From: Jeremy > Sent: Sunday, 28 February 2021 3:14 AM To: LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH >; Bitcoin Protocol Discussion > Subject: Re: [bitcoin-dev] Taproot NACK I have good news for you: Taproot does not enable monero-like privacy features any moreso than already exist in Bitcoin today. At its core, taproot is a way to make transactions with embedded smart contracts less expensive, done so in a manner that may marginally improve privacy dependent on user behavior (but not in the monero-like way you mention). For example, it makes it possible for lightning channels to look structurally similar to single key wallets, but it does nothing inherently to obfuscate the transaction graph as in monero. Such "monero-like" transaction graph obfuscation may already exist in Bitcoin via other techniques (coinjoin, payjoin, coinswap, lightning, etc) with or without Taproot, so the point is further moot. Do you have a source on your reporting? You may wish to rescind your nack. -- @JeremyRubin On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 5:46 AM LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH via bitcoin-dev > wrote: Good Afternoon, It has been reported that Taproot will enable some Monero like features including the ability to hide transactions. If that is the case I offer a full NACK and let me explain. A part of the benefit of using Bitcoin is its honesty. The full transaction is published on the blockchain. If that were to change so that transactions may be obfuscated from scrutiny then any government would have unlimited impetus to ban Bitcoin, and speculation has that is the reason India has been reported to have banned cryptocurrencies already. I am in support of the expanded use case of Bitcoin without harming the established robust fairness and equal equity offered. The core functionality of Bitcoin, its values, must remain unaltered. KING JAMES HRMH Great British Empire Regards, The Australian LORD HIS EXCELLENCY JAMES HRMH (& HMRH) of Hougun Manor & Glencoe & British Empire MR. Damian A. James Williamson Wills et al. Willtech and other projects m. 0487135719 f. +61261470192 This email does not constitute a general advice. 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