On Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 11:03:30AM -0600, Ademan via bitcoin-dev wrote: > Hi Bryan, > > I don't really want my first (and last?) devlist message to be a fairly > off-the-cuff post on this topic, but here we go anyway. > > At the risk of sounding like a nostr evangelist (I promise I'm not), I want > to suggest nostr as a potential replacement to the mailing list. A decent > chunk of software would need to be written, but none of the alternatives > seem particularly attractive to me. I particularly dislike the idea of > locking into a single siloed forum service like the bitcointalk forums. I > realize I may be in the minority of course. Strong NACK on nostr. It's a badly designed, centralized, protocol that needs a significant redesign to be usable. While off topic for this mailing list, some of its many issues include: * Reliance on single-key, cryptography that often results in people having their keys compromised. This is a serious problem in the context of bitcoin-dev, where faked messages published could easily have market-moving results. * Inability to mirror relays: since nostr deliberately ignores the lessons of blockchains, there is no way to be sure that you have a complete set of messages from a given person, for a given topic, etc. * Highly centralized design: since mirroring relays isn't reliable, in reality nostr operates in a highly centralized fashion, dependent on a tiny number of relays that can't be easily replaced if taken down. -- https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org