A notable change in this release is I've lowered the replace-by-fee-rate¹ threshold to 1.25x, from the prior 2x. That means if the fee-rate of a candidate replacement is more than 1.25x higher than the direct conflict, the replacement can happen. This does two things: 1. Reduces the worst-case cost to defeat transaction pinning. 2. Increases the expected cost of transaction pinning, as 25% is a small enough margin that a pin transaction is likely to itself get mined. Of course, this is a good opportunity for the people who think there are "massive deficiencies"² in my RBFR proposal to actually prove it with an exploit. Remember that you have to find a DoS attack that is significantly better than the existing "free" relay attacks¹³⁴ that we inevitably have without RBFR. Libre Relay/RBFR is already mitigating transaction pinning in the real world. I've personally run into a few cases with LND nodes where anchor outputs were spent after the 16 block CSV timeout by third parties in a large transaction that the LND node was not aware of, leading to LND creating a conflicting, higher-fee, transaction spending the anchor output and other outputs. Normally the conflict would fail to get mined due to the higher absolute fee pin. But in each case after propagation via Libre Relay nodes, F2Pool eventually mined the higher fee-rate transaction after a few hours; I suspect F2Pool has an unusual short mempool expiration time. Lightning node operators should consider running Libre Relay for this purpose, as the existing Lightning protocol does have some pinning vulnerabilities. 1) 2) 3) 4) -- 'peter'[:-1] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Bitcoin Development Mailing List" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion on the web visit